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This is the Wikimedia commons page for the Swiss public association, AGiR! Action for Genomic integrity through Research! The primary aims of AGiR! are to provide information and promote research into the dynamic molecular activities of cells, and how they can be protected for improved public health.
This is the minilogo minilogo
for the group!
More information about this all can be found in the web, in Twitter, in Instagram and in Facebook.

We are doing some basic experiments for participatory research, to 'open source' classic methods to look at DNA damage, the micronucleus and comet assays, in people's own inner cheek cells and more at the biohacker space in Switzerland, Hackuarium. For the Wikimedia Commons Science image 'general' category, a montage

challenges of making masks

about making masks on microscopic images for segmentation to allow 'automatic detection' of micronuclei from images was just uploaded (13dec19)!
A more 'polished' version of the same cell was also uploaded to the Science image 'contest'

Simpler 'Mask' Image

and a set of similar images were also submited.
As all Hackuarium projects are meant for everyone to share, use, remix and document, we hope *you* might be interested to collaborate ! (use contact form of the AGiR! site).