Swenglistic Underground

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New York 2011
English: Swenglistic Underground (2005-2016 called CabarEng) is a Swedish non-profit entertainment group founded early in 2005 primarily to produce and perform specially designed underground cabaret shows, mostly in English. The organization is registered with the Swedish Tax Agency since 2005 and also has a music publisher's contract with STIM. Shows have included the cabarets Nightmare Before Bedtime (2005), A Little Tribute Westward (2006 & new version 2011), Mingle Tingle (2008), CaCa Bleu (2009-2010), Cabaret Large A-Cup (2011), ÄngelCab (2013) and Kabaré 45 (2017). Swenglistic Underground also owns the performance rights to Wild Side Story, the rights to the songs of Birgit Ridderstedt, some songs by Berndt Egerbladh, John Groves, Ian Whitcomb and Harald Lindell, as well as all lyrics by Lars Jacob. The latter has also compiled and directed most of the shows. Chairman and Executive Producer since the organization was founded has been Emil Eikner. Deputy Chairman since 2016 is Bibbi Unge.

YouTube channel: [1].

Svenska: Swenglistic Underground (2005-2016 CabarEng) är en svensk kabarégrupp som sedan 2005 har framfört några hundra föreställningar i gengren undeground i Stockholm, New York, Washington DC och Annapolis. Organisationen är sedan 2005 registrerad hos Skatteverket, äger rättigheterna till Wild Side Story och till sånger enligt ovan och har även musikförlagsavtal med STIM. Ordförande sedan grundandet 2005 är Emil Eikner. Vice ordförande vald 2016 är Bibbi Unge.

YouTube-kanal: [2].


Swenglistic Underground activities 2005-2019


Brief selection - also see image category & Productions section below.

Board of Directors & Honorary Members


Documentation with the applications/signatures of all Honorary Members is on file. They are arranged here in alphabetical order (å, ä & ö: see a & o).

Productions & Performances


Additional images (one per production) from shows of ours - also see first gallery above.

Cabaret History


Selected images from related cabaret and entertainment history associated with our director.