Commons talk:Photography terms

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First entry


The page should be rename. 10:50, 16 March 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Yup probabbly should be under Help:Photography Terms --Inkwina (talk contribs) 18:57, 18 March 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Moving Original Discussion to talk page for reference

Please HELP~

Looking on several page of commons about Photography, I see that the level is really hight compare to my knowledge, also, seems need to set up a "List of Photographic terms" (for dumbies) : what means "close-ups of 1:1" ? Difference between Zoom, optical zoom, and digital zoom ? "point-and-shoot" camera ? "bridge-type" camera ? macro ? DSLR ? Compact ? Lens ? extension rings ? sharpness ? with definition in basic english (most of us are not Native English).

Please provide :

  1. a definition allowing to understand what we talk about (a link toward wikipedia is welcome);
  2. an explanation "why/when this is important in photography", and what is need to get a good result on this aspect.

Note that this would be better write in basic English : most of us are not Native English speaker, and not native photographer ;) 10:48, 16 March 2008 (UTC)[reply]

(Lis to expand)

  • Angle of view :
Not a correct term.
  • Blur : an image is "blur" when it is not display clearly (ex: the cirle is clear on the left, blur on the right ). To avoid blur and get clear images, it is need to : a/ make a good focus ; b/ have a correct lens .
  • Camera, "point-and-shoot" camera :
A simple camera, that is fully automatic. It does all the settings. As you have no controls it can only be used in good light.
  • Camera, "bridge-type" camera :
A new term. It is a camera with some controls, and an automatic mode. You cannot change the lens. There is a view finder but it is an electronic screen. The camera is very flexible and good value for money.
  • Camera, DSLR camera :
Digital SLR (Single Lens Reflex). This is like a film camera, but instead of a film, there is an electronic sensor. It has a view finder. When you look through the view finder, a mirror lets you see through the taking lens. When you lake a photograph the mirror moves out of the way. You can buy extra lenses to fit onto a DSLR. They can be very expensive. These lenses let you take photographs in very poor light, and very difficult situations, such as taking photographs of fast cars or sportsmen.
  • Camera, Compact camera :
A compact camera is a simple camera. It is easy to use and to carry. A Point and Shoot camera is a compact camera but you can get compact cameras that have extra controls that can be used in poor light.
  • "close-ups of 1:1" :
Don't bother with this one- it is not a simple term
  • Focus :
  • To focus, usually done automatically, to focus means to adjust the lens so your photograph is sharp.
  • In Focus: |the picture is sharp
  • To focus on: Choose the part of the photo gragh you are interested in. To choose the part of the photograph you want to be sharp.
  • Focal length :
A way of describing the properties of the lens. In the past, it refered to the way the lens was made. Now we saw that a wide angle lens has a focal length of 35mm or less, a standard lens has focal length of 55mm, a portrait lens has a focal length of 90mm (this is also called a medium zoom). A zoom lens will have a focal length of over 135mm. A 300m lens is a zoom lens.

Today all cameras allow you to change the focal length you are using. A second meaning of zoom, is to change the focal length. You say you are zooming in to 300mm, and zooming out to 35mm. The reason for this is historic.

  • Field :
Incorrect term
  • Macro :
  • take a macro picture is to take a picture of small object from a distance of 5cm or less.
  • modern digital cameras have a macro mode. Thisw is for photgraphs taken closer than 1 metre.
  • Lens (w, w2): the lens or set of lens make convert light toward the camera eyes. The quality of the lens allow to have clear image instead of ( ex: Good lens on the left, bad one on the right : )
  • Extension rings :
used on digital SLRs for macro photographs
  • sharpness :.
Incorrect term
  • Zoom : it's the ability to show you things in bigger
explained above two different meanings.
  • Zoom, optical zoom and digital zoom
optical zoom is the zoom ability by the Lens.
poor English
POV For a digital camera and Macro photos this "optical zoom" is the only important one, since the digital zoom is simply "cropping" the image to display a part in full screen. The digital zoom imply lost of quality in the produced image file, while the optical zoom doesn't.
digital zoom, selects only the centre of the image, which makes it appear if it was taken with a lens of a greater zoom. It does this by cropping. If you are saving the photograph at the cameras maximum sensitivity- (12M on a 12M camera) see Megapixel- then there is a loss of quality. If you are saving your photographs at a reduced sensitivity (3M on 12M), then there is no loss of quality. Photographers who upload their photographs onto Wikipedia rarely work at 12M, so it is not a problem.

Here a few ideas to start you off. You should not try to over simplify technical terms unless you know who you are talking to, because clarity and meaning is lost. I would not use any of these definition on a page, with out editing many times. I need to target the simple english accurately for that page- it is far harder to write than English. ClemRutter 01:47, 17 March 2008 (UTC)[reply]

  • All the fields display on this page : this page
I am happy to help. To get the level right, I must see the page you are writing. Can you give me the link to the page on simple English wikipedia. Can you give me a link to your talk page on simple English wikipedia, please. It is easier to explain with the help of a simple diagram. Some words in the list are very new, some are words grand father used to use.

ClemRutter 11:33, 16 March 2008 (UTC)[reply]

I think first work on commons, so Just complete and expand the list on the top. Add image like I did, I think I will later put all the list into a gallery [ Image | word:definition + context. ] to be more friendly. You can write to my IP talk_page, my IP is stable. 14:29, 16 March 2008 (UTC)[reply]
How about putting it at Commons:Photography terms? pfctdayelise (说什么?) 07:15, 17 March 2008 (UTC)[reply]
Eh, you tricked me by transcluding it into the VP... pfctdayelise (说什么?) 07:16, 17 March 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Moved by: --Inkwina (talk contribs) 18:57, 18 March 2008 (UTC)[reply]



Sorry to say, but autofocus is only usably in problemless situations. It doesn't work well in short distances, not through glas, not in mirrors, not under water, not in good distances using big teles, not in hurry (snapshoots). Working with Nikon FE I had never problems, with a compakt digi I get them allways for it doesn't have manual focus. AF allways sets focus to the far background, never to a near subject. It sets focus to a mirror, not to the subject shown in the mirror. It sets focus to a window, never to the subject outside seen through the window. And it needs too long time to set focus, than it could be good for a fast snapshoot. Therefore beginners will have les problems to learn to set manual precise focus, than to learn all these bloody tricks, which are necessary for working with AF.

Sorry fo my bad english, I hope, that nevertheless you could understand, what I mean.

--Skipper Michael (talk) 17:57, 5 April 2010 (UTC)[reply]

German Version

  • This is the begin of a German version of that project-side - sorry, I don't know, where to depose it:

Versuch einer einfachen deutschen Version


Photographische Begriffe


Angle of view: Blick-/Aufnahmewinkel


Ein von manchen Objektiv-Herstellern benutzter Begriff, meist wird „Sichtfeld“ benutzt. Gemeint ist der vom Objektiv abgedeckte Bereich in Grad angegeben. Ein 12 mm Weitwinkel mag eine Öffnung von 120° haben, ein 300mm Tele weniger als 35°

Blur: Unschärfe


Unscharf, verschwommen werden Bilder durch mangelnde Genauigkeit bei der Entfernungseinstellung und durch Bewegung.


DSLR camera Digitale Spiegelreflexkamera

Sucherdisplay zueigt über Spiegel den Blick durchs Objektiv. Handhabung wie mit Film.

Compact camera: Kompaktkamera
a Compact or "point and shoot" digital camera

Vollautomatisch, daher schwer zu kontrollieren. Vorteil: geringes Gewicht, geringe Größe, geringer Preis, Nachteil: geringes Leistungsspektrum.

"bridge-type" camera

A new term. It is a camera with some controls, and an automatic mode. You cannot change the lens. There is a view finder but it is an electronic screen. The camera is very flexible and generally good value for money.

Close-ups of 1:1 Nahbereich


Eine 1:1 Nahaufnahme bildset in Originalgröße auf Film oder Sensor ab, Aufnahmeentfernung = Abbildungsentfernung = 2 fache Brennweite.

Oft auch gebraucht für Aufnahmen, bei denen die Originalgröße erst durch Verrgrößerung erreicht wird.

Focus: Fokus, Brennweite

to focus: fokussieren, scharfstellen

Entfernung scharf auf das Sujet einstellen

In Focus

Bild ist scharf

Out of Focus

unscharfes Bild oder Hauptmotiv

To focus on

Scharfstellen auf (das Hauptmotiv)

Treatment of synonyms and abbreviations


Currently, synonyms and abbreviations are listed with a separate section and a reference the the section containing the actual explanation. I feel like this is making the list of terms longer than necessary, with little benefit. Most people will probably use the search function within the site to find the term they are seeking an explanation for, in which case it would be sufficient to add a list of synonymous terms for each of the sections. Alternatively, we could create a "smarter" TOC in the beginning that lists all the terms, acronyms etc. and links to the corresponding sections below. That could then be in a multi-column layout and therefore not as annoyingly long as the current one. Thoughts? — Julian H. 08:32, 22 March 2017 (UTC)[reply]

The list in its current state is only the raw beginning to make sure we include everything. It will probably go through several permutations before we are done with it. A sort of cross between your suggestions is probably a good place to start with, especially breaking out the abbreviations since that is what people first encounter at QIC and FPC. Such a list has also been suggested elsewhere. I'll make a draft of it and we'll see how it turns out. --cart-Talk 09:21, 22 March 2017 (UTC)[reply]

If anyone knows of good online pages with photography terms or tutorial pages, please add them to the 'External links' section. Two were dead links, only the one to the German WP is still good. --cart-Talk 10:06, 22 March 2017 (UTC)[reply]



May I propose DS for dust spots?--Wolfgang Moroder (talk) 12:28, 24 March 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Added. Thanks! Keep those good ideas coming! :) --cart-Talk 12:47, 24 March 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Removing recommendation against Adobe RGB (and non-sRGB color profiles)


Can we remove the following sentence from the Adobe RGB sub-section?:

However it is not widely supported by computer screens and so only a tiny minority of internet viewers will actually be able to see the extra colours. Therefore it is recommended to use sRGB for photographs published on the internet.

Wide gamut screens are widely available today. They may not capture the majority of the market since low-end screens may not be wide-gamut but they are still prevalent enough that we should be encouraged to publish pictures in full color resolution just like we do with the spatial resolution.

--Trougnouf (talk) 14:30, 13 September 2021 (UTC)[reply]


The user has purchased a new camera. The user is now prepared to go out in the wild and snap a lot of pictures. Somewhere on Commons document the recommended aspect ratio he should use. Or document if it doesn't matter. 2001:B011:8000:3050:850B:405:730F:8789 21:46, 8 February 2023 (UTC)[reply]

Fixed All aspect ratios are welcome on the Wiki projects. Select the format that works best for your subject and composition. --Cart (talk) 15:40, 10 February 2023 (UTC)[reply]